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Customized Training

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Take your combat skills to the next level

Are you looking to take your combat skills to the next level and be ready for any situation on the modern battlefield? Look no further than the CKM Military program, the most evolved and effective close quarter battle hand-to-hand and tactical combat system in the world. With a custom-tailored program designed for each individual military unit, CKM Military offers a comprehensive training experience that prepares you to execute your mission effectively under the extreme pressure of any conflict.

CKM Military program founded by Moni Aizik, a former Commando of the Israeli Special Forces, and evolved in 2019 with Guillaume Vetier, an Ex TIER 1 Operator Level and CKM Elite Team Instructor, CKM Military has been taught around the world to many elite military units, including the Israeli Army, U.S. Air Force, Canadian Special Forces, Jamaican Special Forces, and more. Our dedicated Elite Instructors are skilled professionals with extensive military backgrounds, delivering high-quality hands-on training.

CKM Military offers a broad spectrum of training and development services to government, military, law enforcement, and commercial customers across the globe. The program covers a wide range of techniques and tactics, including controlling Tango (without eliminating him) by one operator and leading him to custody, gun retention, gun and knife disarming, baton control, emergency rescue tactics, tactical maneuver procedure, chronological shooting procedure, post-elimination procedure, angle maneuvering, rooms entry procedure, prisoner captive procedure, essential communication procedures, stair maneuvering, advance room entry and clearing, and long and short guns shooting drills, among others.

The CKM Military program is designed to be simple and universal, so you don’t have to think about your next move under stress, but simply react instead. Although the tactics and techniques are simple to perform, it took years of research and field-testing to refine and evolve the CKM Military program to where it is today. The program is designed to be effective for a wide range of body types and strengths, ensuring that our heroes have a better chance to return home safely when their work is done.

If you’re looking for an intense training experience to become an instructor or improve your skills, the Essential CKM Military Bootcamp is a 4-day event of up to 15 hours daily (60 hours) designed for Active and Ex-Military/Special forces, Law Enforcement and Commando Krav Maga Instructors. The goal of the CKM Military training program is to be field-ready in the shortest amount of time possible while providing solid solutions to real-world military scenarios.

In conclusion, if you’re looking for a comprehensive combat training program that will prepare you to be effective in any situation on the modern battlefield, the CKM Military program is the best choice. Join the ranks of the elite military units that have already experienced the benefits of CKM Military training and be ready to face any challenge with confidence.

CKM Military is designed for Active and Ex-Military/Special forces, Law Enforcement, and Commando Krav Maga Instructors.

You can apply for Military Bootcamp or request specially tailored training for your unit at: